Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Degree programmes
The Faculty Quality Assurance Cell (FQAC) of the Faculty of Technology has also been functioning since 2019 to facilitate implementation of Quality Assurance related policies of the University and University Grants Commission. The Bachelor of Engineering Technology degree is placed at level 6 of the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF) and complies with the SLQF Level 6 Qualification Descriptor, Level Descriptor and Volume of Learning for a minimum 120 credits. Total duration of the degree programme is four academic years. Accordingly, the Bachelor of the Engineering Technology degree programme is recognized as an Honours degree.
The University Grants Commission has decided that the Bachelor of Engineering Technology Honours degree programmes to be recognized and accredited by the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka (IESL), according to the Sydney Accord. The process is in progress for the IESL accreditation for all four BET degree programmes of the faculty.
Scope & Objectives
Name | Position |
Dr. A.M.N. Alagiyawanna | The Dean & Chair; The Head – Department of Construction Technology |
Dr. M.S. Kandanapitiye | The Coordinator – Faculty Quality Assurance Cell (FQAC) & Representing Department of Nano Sciences & Technology |
Prof. C.A.N. Fernando | The Head – Department of Nano Sciences & Technology; Chairperson – Faculty Higher Degree Committee |
Dr. J.M.J.W. Jayasinghe | The Head – Department of Electrotechnology |
Dr. I.P.M. Wickramasinghe | The Head – Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Technology ; Chairperson – Faculty Curriculum Academic Development Committee (CADC) |
Dr. U.S. De Silva | Chairperson – Faculty Research & Publication Committee |
Dr. R.A.N. Dilrukshi | Department of Construction Technology |
Mrs. W.H.S.M. Wickramasinghe | Department of Electrotechnology |
Mr. K. P. P. Sanjeeva | Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Technology |
Mr. Awantha Wijerathne | Assistant Registrar |
The Librarian | |
Student Representatives |
Faculty of Technology, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Kuliyapitiya, Sri Lanka.
+(94) 37 313 8054