
Provision for Re-Scrutinizing of Marks & Grades of Undergraduates for Level 03 Semester I and Semester II (2018/2019 Academic Year)

To:  All Students of the Faculty of Technology Technology – Academic Year 2019/2020

Students who wish to apply for verification of examination marks & grades should send the applications on or before  22nd September 2022  . The application could be downloaded from the faculty website and the duly filled applications should be sent to the email:

A payment of Rs. 500/= (subject to revision) per course/ subject of a semester examination should be paid to the Wayamba University of Sri Lanka A/C No. 0001473508 maintained at the Bank of Ceylon, Kuliyapitiuya. The scanned copy of the deposit slip should be emailed along with the application.

No application is entertained after the closing date (22nd September 2022) and all late & incomplete applications will be rejected.

Assistant Registrar

Faculty of Technology