The Council of the Wayamba University Of Sri Lanka (WUSL) has appointed Dr- A- M- N- Alagiyawanna as the new Acting Dean of the Faculty of Technology with effect from the Olst of January, 2020. Dr Alagiyawanna is a veteran administrator from the University of Ruhuna and is currently on his sabbatical leave serving at the WUSL. He had served two terms as the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna and has then recently finished his second term as the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the same university.
Prof. E. M. P. Ekanayake, the Vice-Chancellor said it was an advantage for the Faculty of Technology to receive the leadership of such an experienced administrator at this developing stage. A felicitation ceremony for Dr. L. D. R. D. Perera, the former Acting Dean, was held with the participation of the Vice Chancellor, the new Acting Dean, the Registrar, all the Heads of Departments, the Assistant Registrar, and the other academic and non-academic staff of the Faculty of Technology. The Vice Chancellor highly admired the service rendered by Dr. Perera as the former Acting Dean while still serving as the Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences. He specially mentioned that Dr.

Perera’s tireless and generous contribution enabled the smooth functioning of the newly—established Faculty of Technology that has been heavily depending on the resources generously shared by the Faculty of Applied
Sciences. The Vice Chancellor mentioned that the Faculty of Applied Sciences had also been benefited significantly for the resource development by the coexistence with the Faculty of Technology at the initial stage. He further mentioned that this fine gesture by the Faculty of Applied Sciences in helping establishment of the Faculty of Technology would be a good example for other Faculties to follow in order to expand higher education of the country. Other speakers of the occasion also admired the service, tireless effort, and kindness of Dr. Perera and wished him strength and good health for a bright future.